
December 30, 2010

Kicking the shopping bug.

I have become a complete shopaholic. Trust me. Every time I walk into a store my eyes are just popping out, my heart starts racing and my feet can’t decide which direction to move into. It’s completely insane, just yesterday I popped into a mall to help a friend in deciding on a t-shirt and guess what; I ended up buying a bag, a clutch, a cute purple top and a nail polish. By the time I realized what I had done I was already at the cash till, and it was too embarrassing to return them and I ended up paying for it. But that’s not the end of my woes, as we were leaving my friend decided to check out a lipstick that looked nice and as I tagged along my eyes fell on a gorgeous shade of lip gloss that I absolutely had to have. My mind started wrestling with my heart...

Brain: “You’ve just brought yourself stuff which you dint need, this lip gloss is a waste of money. You are not buying it.”

Heart: “But I need this lip gloss it’s gorgeous, I might not find it again. I have to have it”

Brain; “No, you are not buying it”

Heart: “Yes I am!”

And so I ended up buying that as well. The sales girl gave me a sweet smile and said that if I buy the lip gloss and the exact shade of lipstick I would get a discount. My mind went blank for two seconds and I sighed loudly, I was fighting a losing battle so why not go the whole nine yards. Reluctantly I nodded; yes I would take them both. Her smile widened and I cursed her under my breath.

Enough! I had to get out of here and fast. I dragged my friend away (who was giving me an annoying look) and ran to the elevator. I stepped inside it and gave a huge sigh of relief. There was a cleaning guy in there and he pressed the button for the 4th floor instead of the ground floor, I dint mind, until the lift doors opened and what did I see in front of me…BOOKS! Rows and rows of fresh, unopened, sweet smelling, inviting and lovely books. I am a book worm; I can eat, sleep and live books. Before I knew what I was doing I had steeped out and was drawn towards big, fat and heavy books. I simply could not bring myself to leave without buying at least one book. So no need to mention that by the time I left I was carrying two heavy novels and a light paperback in my hand and a little cute coin box I had found( I would need it to save the loose change that keeps getting lost).

Next time I am not under any circumstances stepping into a mall again, they are just too alluring to resist.

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