
May 18, 2012

The Bonds that break


One small word, one volcanic impact!

There are days in everyone's life when you feel like chucking things out the window, saying what you want and walking out! Sounds really simple right?

Nothing, in reality, could be more difficult.

All of us have some people in our lives who form the crux of .,some of the most important, relationships, they figure prominently in our universe, they have their own place in our world. But, sometimes, you feel like you would like to maybe kick them out.

My life is filled with all kinds of people, i am a naturally friendly person, so i am surrounded by a vast variety of people, some made are blood related, some are just friends, some very close ones and some are just acquaintances. Life could not be better.

Now all these people fall in different kind of categories on the love, hate, detest and barely know scale. Some relationships i wish i could change, some are so fragile that i can barely hold them together.But the shock comes with the ones that are deeply rooted or the strongest ones. These relationships hurt the most, the betrayal, the anger, the time you spent on these people seems like such a waste of time when they don't deserve it, when they prove time and again that they are unworthy of it.

What do you do with such people, Well i have tried countless number of solutions, from taking time off from them, to not talking to them, to trying to solve things amicably etc. Nothing, as you might have guessed, has worked so far.

So, with a heavy heart, i have resigned myself to the fact that they will never change and its best to let them be, let them exist as they are. On my part I will not expect things from them nor will i try to prove them wrong about myself.

If they hate me, well, Hatred consumes a part of yourself, it eats away at you. So all the best with that.

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